What are Shower Gels and Body Oils

Shower gel or shower cream, also known as bodywash, is the general term for liquid soap, which is used for cleaning the body. Almost all commercial shower gels have a pleasing scent and do not contain any saponified oil, instead being products ofpetroleum. Shower gel/bodywash is an emulsion of water and detergent base with added fragrance used as a skin cleansing agent in the shower or bath.

It has chemical advantages over soap because it is milder at cleansing and less irritating to the skin, lathers better in hard water areas and does not leave a mineral residue on the skin or in the bathtub after usage.

Bath oil is a body care product that is designed to be added to a bathtub. It is readily available in body care and bath stores, and people can also formulate their own relatively easily for a specific blend of oils or scents. Using this oil regularly will help to soften and nourish the skin, eliminating dry and rough patches, because the warm water of the bath opens up the pores to help the skin absorb the oil. Users can follow a bath with a toner or cold water rinse and then moisturize thoroughly to keep the skin healthy.